Flatmancrooked's Slim Volume of Contemporary Poetics 1 August 2010



Pre-Linguistic Bones

Hunt in the desert I’m wearing my cut off jeans and a brown suede vest

Taking my rifle in the heart of the desert there are wild pigs

Crack the desert floor heat waves through the saguaros the orange blossom smell

Pre-linguistic bones smooth and shaped by the desert grew like a cactus

Attract a lover? The cactus flowers bloom but prickly can’t be touched

Two young murdered girls, a murdered dog named Boris drowned in the desert

No one can see you at the bottom of the pool doing cannonballs

Kidney shaped water flagstone deck yellow windbreak girls sunbathed all day

Dry air stark sunlight the girls ate soda crackers for food, mostly salt

A tennis ball floats soaked with chlorine and acid up from the bottom